親愛的,熱愛的 Go Go Squid! 2019

《亲爱的,热爱的》(Go Go Squid),2019年中国电竞题材偶像剧,改编自墨宝非宝的《蜜汁炖鱿鱼》,并由原著小说作者墨宝非宝担纲编剧,杨紫、李现主演。於2019年7月9日浙江卫视、东方卫视播出。

Go Go Squid! 亲爱的,热爱的 is a 2019 Chinese television series based on the novel Stewed Squid with Honey 蜜汁炖鱿鱼 by Mo Bao Fei Bao. It stars Yang Zi and Li Xian. The drama began airing on Dragon TV and Zhejiang TV on July 9, 2019.